A Sports Psychology Partnership

Westchester Squash Academy has partnered with Dr. Alex Diaz of Sports Mental Edge to offer three sessions to help with your squash game.

Sunday, January 8 at 5:15PM
Developing Focus to Win
Our first session will be an introduction of Sports Psychology. It will focus on understanding triggers that lead to loss of focus, introduction of “concentration lapse” experiences, use of self-talk to facilitate re-focusing and use of practical exercises.

Sunday, February 12 at 5:15PM
Establishing Pre-During-Post Match Routines
The second session of our partnership will follow up on self-talk exercises, create a mental pre-game routine, development of a strategic mental map to address different game situations and use of a chart to guide athletes to track their pre-during-post experiences.

Sunday, March 12 at 5:15PM
Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Squash Game
Our third and final session will follow up on strategies discussed the previous two weeks and introduce the topic of focus awareness, practice of breathing relaxation exercises and use of chart to track breathing and mindfulness exercises.

Each session will be one hour and is open to junior and adult players of all levels and ages. You can sign up at the club or by emailing info@westchestersquash.com. For more information about Dr. Diaz please visit http://www.dralexdiazconsulting.com.

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